Many of my blankets are created first for some special person, then made into a pattern for the public.  This blanket was created for a nephew in Indiana, embracing our rural heritage, much like the Grandpa's Farm blanket did last year.   It also reflects the family quilting traditions in the...

First E-Book: Zoo-ology Wash Cloths

  I'm working on bring you more value for your purchases from Little Piggy Patterns.  To this end, I have published my first e-book on Ravelry -"Zoo-ology An Animal Collection".  This collection replaces the the original 4 wash cloth patterns (giraffe, lion, elephant, hippo) sold as a 'set'.  I've added...

To The Point Baby Blanket

  The "To The Point" blanket is quick, easy, soft, and drapes so nicely.  It starts with 2 triangles, joined at the center.  Then as you seemingly knit straight rows with a decrease in the center, magic happens, and the chevron shape takes place.  While this sample shows wide stripes,...


This was a fun project for me that took me out of my comfort zone.  It is one of the few lace projects that I have attempt.  It was surprisingly easy once I hit my rhythm. If I were expecting a grandchild, this would be one of the patterns I...

Color Me Dreaming Baby Blanket Set

What kid doesn't love a box of crayons. So let this blanket be their first exposure so they can 'Dream in Color'. The bold primary (red, yellow, blue) & secondary colors (green, orange, purple) pop in the blanket that depicts 6 crayons. The colors are spelled out in the center...

Snow Flake Wine Cozys

Is it too early to start prepping for Christmas?  I think not.  I've created this trio of wine cozys to celebrate the winter season. This is a very versatile pattern which uses the same instructions for the top and bottom, and allows for creativity in between. There are 2 snowflake...

I Scream Ice Cream on Sale!

  In keeping with tradition,  every time we hit the next 100th order on the web site, we offer that customer her/his choice of  a free pattern, then discount that pattern for a month for the rest of the world. Dagenais, from Canada, was the most current winner.  She choose...

Lots Happening Here!

Its been a busy month.  First you may be seeing many changes to the website.  I have my niece working on improving the look of the site.  There may be several iterations before we're happy, but we want the best for you! Next I've just published the Yum Yum bib...

We have a Winner!

For those of you new to this site,  I have a tradition of celebrating each 100th order made on the website with a free pattern to the person who made that order.  In addition, I then reduce the price of the pattern for one month for anyone else ordering it...

Little Piggy Patterns — Version 3

You are now looking at version 3 of the Little Piggy Patterns website.   The first version was static.  I was just happy I had a site with a shopping cart.   Version 2 was a little better.  There were more pages, more information, and it was marginally easier for me to...